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RC Spencer
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Building services from start to finish, including planning
RC Spencer
Richard Spencer Builders, Castle Dene, Castle Street,
Deddington, Nr. Banbury, Oxon, OX15 0TE
Contact us

Useful Links & References

Trade Organisations
The Federation of Master Builders
The National House-Building Council

Insurance Companies
Premier Guarantee Building Insurance

David Stewart Associates - David Stewart
THA Design - Tony Herring

Electrical Engineers
C.T. Walters - Ben Wood
K.M. Electrical - Keith McCormack
JEC Electrical - Jason Clitherow

Moulton College, Northants
Oxford & Cherwell Valley College

Local Councils
Oxfordshire County Council

Cherwell District Council
South Northants County Council
West Oxfordshire District Council

Stancliffe Stone
Chipping Norton Glass
Fired Earth
Magnet Windows & Doors
Mandarin Stone
Natural Stone Tiles (Oxford)

Joinery & Carpenters
A&R Woodworking - Andy Ivings

Blueprint Plumbing – Jason Davey

Landscape & Gardening
Nicholsons – Plant Nursery
Nicholsons Garden Design

Contract Clients
Spencer Courtney Homes

Corporate Clients
The Cartwright Hotel
The Deddington Arms

In due course we will be adding to these links, providing access to useful websites belonging to suppliers and contacts within our own region and beyond. If you operate a business and have associations with Richard Spencer Builders, and feel you might benefit from a reciprocal link, please Contact us. Please note that these links are provided in good faith and Richard Spencer Builders cannot be held responsible for the content of secondary sites outside its control.