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RC Spencer
Richard Spencer Builders, Castle Dene, Castle Street,
Deddington, Nr. Banbury, Oxon, OX15 0TE
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About us

When Eric Spencer moved to Deddington in 1935 he brought with him his skills as a stone mason and bricklayer. Many examples of his craftsmanship can be seen throughout the village.

Grandson Richard’s first memories are of helping Eric build the stone walls around Deddington churchyard. Richard, then aged ten, remembers Eric’s meticulous standards and learned his basic skills from his beloved ‘Grampy Eric’.

At 19, Richard successfully completed his four-year bricklaying apprenticeship, and soon had experience of working in South Africa and in Australia, where he worked on the new cyclone-proof parliament buildings in Darwin.

On returning from his travels in 1990, his first contracts came from those who knew him well enough not to be put off by his youth! And they were right; his extension to Deddington Health Centre and a full renovation of the Cartwright Hotel are jobs he is proud of.

Chosen by Richard, our skilled team achieves excellent finishes of work, many examples can be viewed within our Portfolio and Case Studies pages. Testimonials are included to reinforce our high standards and approach.

Richard has a wide knowledge of environmentally friendly methods of construction and will make suggestions on low-carbon installations to benefit a project, including bore holes/ground source heat, solar energy and rainwater harvesting. Richard is still very excited about CHP – Combined Heat & Power boilers!