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Services, trades and skills - craftsmen at work
The team at RC Spencers
Building services from start to finish, including planning
RC Spencer
Richard Spencer Builders, Castle Dene, Castle Street,
Deddington, Nr. Banbury, Oxon, OX15 0TE
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Careers with Richard Spencer Builders

The majority of our team has now been working with Richard for over 10 years.

Few clients look forward to ‘having the builders in’, but most do appreciate the consideration we give to living conditions, setting up temporary kitchens and bathrooms where needed, and suggesting the best fortnight to be on holiday!

We hold traditional ‘topping out’ ceremonies on completion of larger projects, which are a perfect opportunity for our team and clients to admire the finished project.


Our staff turnover is very low. If you feel you are exceptional in your trade and would like your skills appreciated, we would like to hear from you. Please e-mail or post you CV with a short letter for attention: Anna Horn.


Richard has now guided well over 20 apprentices through their own training whilst they also study at Moulton college, Northampton or Blackbird Leys, Oxford.

Apprenticeships require a big commitment from the individual, and support from their family is also an important element to their success. Richard insists on meeting the parents/guardians of potential apprentices in order to discuss how success is achieved, travelling to and from work/college and what to expect.

We will be recruiting our next apprentices in 2014. If you would like to be considered, please e-mail your details, and in the meantime try and gain as much work experience as you can.